How Your Environment Affects Dandruff Production

Have you ever noticed an increase in dandruff during the colder and dryer months of the year? If you have, then rest assured you aren’t the only one facing this problem. It is not a coincidence that dandruff seems to become even more apparent during the winter months. In fact, those individuals who aren’t faced with dandruff during the summer might also see some signs in the winter.
Dry, flaky, and itchy skin is a major source of dandruff production. Environmental changes, such as dry air and low humidity, are known to exasperate this problem. Obviously, these conditions prevail more so in winter than during the warmer summer months. Because of this, even other areas of the body, like the elbows and forearms, become flaky from dry skin.
With that said, dry environment isn’t the only cause of dandruff. In fact, during the winter months, people tend to bundle up in layers of clothing and extra protective items, such as hats. While hats are a great protection against the cold and bitter wind, they also block out much of the surrounding air from reaching the roots of our hair. This leads to an accumulation of the natural oil which is produced in our scalp. Although some oil on the scalp is normal, an increase of it can become a feeding ground for malassezia – a yeast-like fungus that lives on the surface of our skin. This fungus is known to be a prime cause of dandruff.
If you are someone who is faced with this challenge of dandruff because of the dry environment, there is good news for you. While dandruff isn’t completely curable, it can definitely be controlled through various means. When the dry seasons start, it is highly recommended that you look for hair products that are specifically made to fight dandruff. Dr. Marder’s Total Relief Shampoo and Conditioner have been proven to tackle dry, flaky, and itchy skin as well as dandruff.