White Wine & Dandruff

There is a new theory that has come to the fore in skincare practitioners’ circles and is now making the rounds. The theory says that there is a direct correlation between drinking white wine and dandruff. According to the hypothesis, a certain yeast on the scalp (called malassezia) produces more skin cells when a person drinks white wine. Then, when these additional skin cells die off, they cause dandruff.
Now, naturally as with everything in life you have the supporters and you have the critics. Some doctors have accepted that this line of thought makes sense in theory, but they are not familiar with the concept.
Nevertheless, all of that is neither here nor there. Because let’s face it, at the end of the day, people who are hooked on white wine will still be drinking it regardless of the consequences. So, in that case, what alternative options are there? The first option is to cut down your intake of foods which cause the scalp to itch and flake, such as sweets, chocolates, etc. The second option is to invest in a good, reliable anti-dandruff shampoo that can look after your scalp and prevent the dandruff before it appears or treat the dandruff if it is already present. Our suggestion is that you use Total Relief. You can view and order the products online from the official skincare Total Relief's website.
The Total Relief treatment consists of both a shampoo and a conditioner. For best results, they should be used together in order to prevent itching, flaking, and dandruff. Moreover, these products maintain the health of your hair and boost hair growth.
Both the shampoo and the conditioner have their own unique active ingredients to target those stubborn dandruff. The shampoo makes use of a hydrocortisone liquid which is very effective for combating itchiness. Additionally, the conditioner uses zinc pyrithione which deals with flaking and scaling as well as acts as an antifungal agent to fight the very causes of dandruff at the root.
They are both tried and trusted products and if you are suffering from dandruff, they are products definitely worth having. In fact with these products, you don’t even need to make any life changing alterations. Just pay attention to your scalp and make frequent use of this shampoo and conditioner.